But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness"

- 2 Corinthians 12:9-

Saturday, August 24, 2013

YWAM Support Letter

Dear family & friends,

I am writing this letter to let you know about an opportunity that I have recently been blessed to take part in.

You may have heard of a missions organization called Youth With A Mission (also known as YWAM - pronounced "why-wham"). YWAM was founded by a man named Loren Cunningham in 1960 and has been mobilizing young people to spread the love of God to almost every country of the world ever since. YWAM's mission and passion is to know God and make him known.

Last January I did a 6 month Discipleship Training School, which is a requirement for applying as a YWAM staff member .and after a lot of prayer and a lot of thought, I am going back on Sept 20th to help staff the Engage Discipleship Training School.

This particular DTS I will be serving in has a focus on engaging with God, our identity in Him, Community, and the nations. The DTS is split into two different phases - the first phase is called the lecture phase and it is during this time that we go through an intensive training process designed to develop character and a deep intimacy with God. The second phase is the outreach phase where we take everything we've learned from the lecture phase and apply it on a missions trip.  The DTS I will be serving in starts in January so from September to January I will be a part of the Leadership Track program there. It is in this time that I will be serving both the base and the community of Kona. During this time, I will also be receiving some training in what it means to be a servant leader.
, God has really placed a passion and a burning desire in me to reach the unreached. To go into the closed nations and share with them who God is and who they

Since my outreach to a closed nation in North Africa are in Him, to show the women who have no value in their country just how valuable they are to God, to listen to the women who have no voice and to tell them that God hears them and sees every tear that falls. 

I would like to offer you the opportunity to partner with me in this. I have gotten to the place I am today because of a lot of prayer and because of wonderful people like you supporting me. I absolutely cannot do this alone. I need your prayers! As much as this will be a great experience, I also know it will be physically, emotionally and spiritually stretching at times. Your thoughts and prayers will be a huge blessing.

If you would like more information about YWAM as an organization, their web-site is www.uofnkona.edu. The web-site for the specific DTS that I am staffing is http://www.uofnkona.edu/training/engage

Thank you so much and many blessings to you!
